Kamasan village is a village located in Klungkung regency, precisely Kamasan village located in the district Klungkung Klungkung regency, about 2 km from the city Semarapura. Kamasan village is a village famous for its arts, arts in the village of Kamasan art is very different from the art of other regional areas, because the art in the Kamasan village is a classic and has been around since the days of empire Gelgel.
Wide Kamasan village is only about 249 acres with a population of about 3,400 souls and spread over 10 custom banjo or 4 village government. Kamasan village is just 2 km away from the City Semarapura, which is the capital of Klungkung regency. Although categorized as a small village, but is referred to as the parent Kamasan painting Balinese shadow puppets. In its history the altar, carrying Kamasan village foreshadowed twisted journey of painting in Bali. In fact, the area is well known as a storehouse of paintings classic puppet is the work of the artists who are in the village of Kamasan
The work of art made of artists here are very smooth and detailed and has an appeal and distinctive characteristics that are not found elsewhere. Painting or carving that depicts the puppet characters in the story of the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Arjuna Wiwaha and Suthasoma. For visitors who come to watch the process of making carvings and paintings done by the artist, and can also order and purchase items at the Kamasan village to serve as a souvenir and decoration of their place.
In addition to producing artwork painting and carving metals and silver are the most recent in Kamasan village can produce coins where these coins contains style puppetry and also has its own charm, these coins are generally used for means of worship for Hindus. If you visit there you can see how the weave and if you are interested you can try to direct how to make these coins, but that you also can buy a statue sourvenir sculpture created or compiled directly from the coins.
Kamasan village approximately approximately 43 km from Denpasar and 90 minutes from Ngurah Rai airport using a motor vehicle. The tourists who come there it felt comfortable and happy as the people in the village of Kamasan very friendly always respectful to the guests who visit there. Residents in the village of Kamasan largely eyed quest as an artist painting, it can be seen how very much visible asop containing the original painting Kamasan contained almost every housing residents there
Kamasan village
Wide Kamasan village is only about 249 acres with a population of about 3,400 souls and spread over 10 custom banjo or 4 village government. Kamasan village is just 2 km away from the City Semarapura, which is the capital of Klungkung regency. Although categorized as a small village, but is referred to as the parent Kamasan painting Balinese shadow puppets. In its history the altar, carrying Kamasan village foreshadowed twisted journey of painting in Bali. In fact, the area is well known as a storehouse of paintings classic puppet is the work of the artists who are in the village of Kamasan
The work of art made of artists here are very smooth and detailed and has an appeal and distinctive characteristics that are not found elsewhere. Painting or carving that depicts the puppet characters in the story of the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Arjuna Wiwaha and Suthasoma. For visitors who come to watch the process of making carvings and paintings done by the artist, and can also order and purchase items at the Kamasan village to serve as a souvenir and decoration of their place.

In addition to producing artwork painting and carving metals and silver are the most recent in Kamasan village can produce coins where these coins contains style puppetry and also has its own charm, these coins are generally used for means of worship for Hindus. If you visit there you can see how the weave and if you are interested you can try to direct how to make these coins, but that you also can buy a statue sourvenir sculpture created or compiled directly from the coins.
Kamasan village approximately approximately 43 km from Denpasar and 90 minutes from Ngurah Rai airport using a motor vehicle. The tourists who come there it felt comfortable and happy as the people in the village of Kamasan very friendly always respectful to the guests who visit there. Residents in the village of Kamasan largely eyed quest as an artist painting, it can be seen how very much visible asop containing the original painting Kamasan contained almost every housing residents there
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