ceremony in Bali
Melasti ceremony is one of the ceremonies of the Hindus made 1 year in which the ceremony is a sequence with the exact Nyepi day Melasti ceremony is performed three or four days before Nyepi Melasti ceremony performed by Hindus aimed to purify and sublime Bhuana agung and Bhuana alit, where the ceremony is performed at the beach or sea.

Besides aiming to purify oneself or Bhuana alit and Bhuana agung grand ceremony also aims to appeal to the gods that we as humans are given the power at the time of the celebration of Nyepi day, because during the day we do Brata Nyepi prohibitions or restrictions must not be done by Hindus.
in Bali Melasti ceremony carry with carrying pralingga or pratima and all equipment with a sincere heart, orderly towards the ocean or other springs are considered holy. Ceremony conducted by praying together facing the sea. After the Melasti ceremony was over done, Pratima and all equipment carried into the Great Hall in the village temple. Before Ngrupuk or mabuu-buu, do nyejer and for the people doing worship.
The Melasti ceremony if considered synonymous with Nagasankirtan ceremony in India. In the Melasti ceremony, which is a symbol of a vehicle pratima Ida batara, carried through the village towards the sea with the aim that it can purify the sanctity pratima village. Medium Nagasankirtan ceremony in India, Hindus around the village, chanting the names of God (Namas-maranam) to cleanse the village in its path.
The Melasti ceremony performed on the beach or sea, without exception coast beaches like Kuta and Sanur, besides the objection that there is a lake in Bedugul is also often used as a place of Melasti, so as the place where a tourist attraction as it is often used as a place melasti it will be facilitate the tourists to see or watch how unique Melasti ceremony in Bali that do not necessarily exist in the other areas. In the Melasti ceremony, tourists can take photos to be used as a memory or to be involved in prayer, but that should still be done that may interfere with swordfish and still maintain and respect the Hindus when they're doing worship.
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